Automobile accidents can happen any time. Day or night, on the road, or even when your vehicle is parked or stored. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could insure your vehicles only when they are going to be used? How about when they are going into storage for an extended period of time? Temporary auto insurance is exactly what you are looking for.
It is also referred to as short-term car insurance, is a policy that covers a vehicle for a fixed period of time. While most states require that a vehicle be insured in order to keep license plates there are some situations where temporary auto insurance is appropriate.
- Purchasing new vehicles and transport home. In most cases a driver may simply add a new vehicle to their current insurance policy by placing a call to his or her agent and providing the proper information. However when the purchaser is buying an automobile for the very first time chances are that they have no permanent auto insurance policy in place, in which case, something more short term is desirable, so as to allow the new owner to drive their vehicle home.
- Temporary Driver Temporary auto insurance is used when someone needs to drive a vehicle for which they are not insured. An example might be a family member to whom you are lending your vehicle but they are not part of your regular insurance policy.
- Extreme Weather. Some owners who live in extreme weather areas purchase temporary auto insurance when a particularly active season is expected in order to ensure that their vehicle is adequately insured. This is especially popular among owners of exotic or collectible vehicles.
- Automobile Rentals. When you rent a vehicle the rental company will offer you temporary auto insurance to cover their property in the event that it is damaged or destroyed. While some insurance policies provide coverage regardless of the vehicle that the insured is currently driving there are many that do not.
- Recreational Vehicles, Motorcycles, Seasonal. Many people own a recreational vehicle or a motorcycle but do not use them throughout the year. Temporary auto insurance is used to cover the vehicle during the months that the vehicle is in use and is much less expensive than an annual policy.
Temporary car insurance is insurance that exists for a specific period of time. Situations that warrant such a policy include purchasing a new vehicle, temporary drivers, rental cars, and recreational or seasonal vehicles. When an annual policy is not needed temporary car insurance is a cost effective alternative.
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