Are you searching a car insurance company? For this you need to compare the topmost companies. Find it’s relation with customers and its reputation in the market. There is lot of companies offering car insurance but you have to choose most suitable one. Some of the top auto insurance companies are mentioned here:
1. Progressive Auto Insurance
Progressive is one of the largest auto insurance providers in the country and they have been in the insurance industry for over 70 years.
It is one of the top auto insurance companies. This company is in existence from last 70 years. They also provide information on their site. You can gather any information from the website any time. They have made every effort for the convenience of their customers. The Customer Respect Group put Progressive on the first position for positive online customer experiences in 2008.
2. Nationwide Auto Insurance
This company is largest financial service providing company. On the Fortune 500 list, this company secured 108th rank. There are many centers over the country for insurance claims. Also there is a facility of toll free number for the convenience of the customers. It is open 24 hours.
3. GEICO Auto Insurance
This company is very reputed and provides an excellent customer service. GEICO has been in the market since past 70 years. Various discounts are offered by this company to attract their customers. Some of them are defensive driving discount, good student discount, anti theft discount, military discount, college graduate discount, driver's education discount etc. GEICO has been given A++ rating for financial stability by A.M. Best.
4. Travelers Auto Insurance
This company is ranked 93 on the Fortune list. Also, this company has got A+ rating for financial stability by A.M. Best. Many discounts are available for the customers like hybrid auto discount, good driver discount, multi car discount and a good student discount. Travelers insurance is one of the top auto insurance companies. Their representatives are found in almost every place like Ireland, Canada and U.K.
5. Allstate Auto Insurance
This is another one of the top auto insurance companies. A.M. Best gave A+ rating for their financial potency. They provide a choice of various programs to their customers. There is a program named accident Forgiveness Program where the insurance rates of your car will go up even if the accident was because of your carelessness. They also encourage people by providing bonus to safe drivers. By safe driving, you will be able to earn 5% of your own premium in the intervals of six months. Allstate provides 24 hour telephone or online service to their customers.
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By: Ricky Hussey
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